1.1 – A track event is a race held on a circuit designed specifically for athletic competition.
1.2 – A road event is any footrace conducted on a course not specifically designed for athletic competition, which can be accurately measured using a calibrated bicycle.
1.3 – An indoor track event is a track event on a circuit not exceeding 220 yards and fully covered.
1.4 – A handler is an individual providing personal support to competitors or teams. This includes team managers, coaches, masseurs, and others assisting with food, drinks, clothing, and other permitted aid at official aid stations.
1.5 – A record is a claim that a runner has completed at least the stated distance in no more than the stated time. A record must also exceed any previous verified or pending records and meet the criteria set in these rules.
1.6 – Automatic timing refers to the use of a device that starts automatically at the race start and records the runner’s finish using a photographic system. Manual timing refers to any form of timing that is not automatic.
1.7 – A timing device is a mechanism specifically designed for timing sporting events. This includes wristwatches with stop timing functions, printing timers, chip timing systems, and similar devices, but excludes internal clocks in computers, which are not accurate enough.
1.8 – Lap sheets are the definitive proof that the record claimant completed the stated distance in multi-loop events. These may be recorded manually or electronically.
1.9 – A certified course has been measured using a calibrated bicycle or steel tape, with the details reviewed and approved by an officially designated expert.
1.10 – Validation involves examining the course length and race conduct to ensure all relevant requirements are met. For road races, this includes checking the calibration course and measuring the entire course. The course must demonstrate it covers at least the stated distance and that the race follows the certified course.
1.11 – Improper aid or assistance is addressed in sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.6.

2.1 – The English version of these rules and recommendations must be used in cases of dispute or uncertainty.
2.2 – In these rules, the following terms are defined as:
- “is” = a statement of fact
- “must” = a mandatory requirement
- “forbidden” = a requirement that must not be violated
- “should” = a recommended requirement (non-compliance may lead to record denial)
- “may” = a potential option
2.3 – Where the male gender is used, the rule applies equally to the female gender.
Races in which records may be set must adhere to the rules in this manual and any additional local authority requirements.
3.1 – General
3.1.1 – Competition
a) A race must be conducted under fair competition:
i) Competitors must not receive an advantage over others;
ii) The race must be advertised in advance;
iii) Entry should be open to all eligible, qualified competitors (entry restrictions may apply based on qualifying performance, nationality, age, or sex, and must be stated beforehand);
iv) All competitors of the same gender must start at the same time with a fair start.
b) Women’s records must be set in women-only competition, which may include races where women start earlier, provided that no men runners are within 50 meters of the record claimant during the race.
c) Women and men may compete together, but marks achieved by women will not be considered for record status and are regarded as noteworthy performances.
d) Non-competitors may not pace a record claimant. This includes:
i) A runner not officially entered in the race;
ii) A runner who does not start but remains entered;
iii) A runner who runs non-competitively to pace the record claimant;
iv) A runner who has withdrawn from the competition.
3.1.2 – Recording
a) For every track or road multi-loop event, lap times must be recorded for the record claimant. Cumulative times for each lap must be recorded immediately after the lap completion. Any missed laps must be supported by proof that the lap was completed for it to count. The lap recording sheet should include:
i) Cumulative distance for each lap;
ii) Cumulative time for each completed lap;
iii) Split times for each lap;
iv) A comment section for notes (e.g., walking, eating, time spent off track).
b) Times must be recorded at all turnaround points for the record claimant.
c) Documentation of the record claimant covering the stated distance should include lap sheets for multi-loop courses and intermediate split times for other course types. Intermediate times should be recorded frequently to confirm the full distance was completed.
3.1.3 – Information Required for Record Application:
a) The time or distance of the claimed performance.
b) The name and nationality of the record claimant.
c) All stopped times recorded for the performance, signed by the timekeepers.
d) Certification of the course length.
e) A signed statement that the race was run on the certified course and the record claimant covered the entire distance.
f) A signed statement that the record claimant passed illegal substance tests within 3 days of the competition.
g) A set of lap sheets for the record claimant (if applicable).
h) Documentation for any partial lap measurements (if applicable).
i) The event’s entry form, including title, date, and venue.
j) A photocopy of the advertisement for the race with details of its location and publication date.
k) A video of the race showing the record claimant, if available.
l) Validation request or validation documentation.
3.1.4 – Distance Measurement
a) Road course measurements must meet certification requirements and the data must be submitted for certification by the IAAF regional measurement coordinator. Track lengths must be certified by the track builder or governing body, or measured with steel tape using the prescribed method along the inside edge of the inner lane. Outdoor tracks must be at least 300 meters and no more than 500 meters. Indoor tracks must not exceed 220 yards. Track races must be held on tracks with raised borders or marked with cones, flags, or posts connected by rope or wire.
b) Partial lap measurements for intermediate distances should be measured with steel tape along the inside edge of the inner lane. For curved sections, the length of the arc must be calculated.
c) For time limit races, the finishing point for each competitor is determined by the heel of the rear foot.
d) For intermediate time limit records, partial lap distances should be measured as outlined in 3.1.4b, or recorded as the distance of the last completed lap.
3.1.5 – Timing
a) At least three timekeepers should be present, one designated as the Chief Timekeeper. Approved timing devices must be used as described in section 1.7.
b) At least three stopped times should be taken for record purposes; two may be acceptable in some cases. Times taken from running timers/watches are not acceptable, though times from lap-split function watches are. One stopped time is insufficient for a record.
c) All times must be recorded to the nearest 1/100 second or the highest precision available.
3.1.6 – Support and Handlers
a) Handlers’ assistance must be confined to zones that cover no more than 3% of the total course distance or 3% of the loop distance for a multi-loop course. Physical assistance to propel a competitor forward is forbidden unless the competitor’s medical condition requires it.
b) Pacing by handlers or others is forbidden (see 3.1.1 d).
c) Wind shielding is forbidden. This occurs when a vehicle or other means is used to shield the competitor from wind, by traveling ahead of or alongside the competitor. No vehicle may travel at or near the speed of the lead runners within ten meters in front or two meters to the side at any point during the race.
4.1 – Courses: A record-quality course has no more than a 1 m/km net drop between start and finish and no more than 30% of the race distance between the start and finish.
4.2 – Road Record Distances: 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, and 200 kilometers, 10, 30, 50, 100, and 1000 miles, half marathon, marathon, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours, and six days.
4.3 – Track Record Distances: 15,000, 20,000, 25,000, 30,000, 50,000, 100,000, 150,000, and 200,000 meters, 10, 30, 40, 50, 100, and 1000 miles, 1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours, and six days.